Nursery Tag in Tyvek & Synthetic material

Nursery Tag in Tyvek & Synthetic material

Synthetic materials are materials produced by humans in laboratories or industry with chemical processes that do not commonly occur in nature. For example, polyethylene is a very long chain of thousands of ethyl groups. While much shorter versions of polyethylene, known as alkanes, are common in nature, the chemical and thermodynamic conditions necessary to create industrial polyethylene only occur in laboratory settings. EXAMPLES OF SYNTHETIC FIBRES: The modern textile industry is unthinkable today without synthetic fibres. Man-made fibres like silk have always been greatly valued for its gloss and fineness. Man-made fibres are smooth. They can be distinguished by looking at a cross-section. Some synthetic fibres are listed below.
  • 1. rayon
  • 2. nylon
  • 3. polyester
This fibre finds its applications in household articles like ropes, bucket, furniture, etc.

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